mardi 19 avril 2011

Artists of Life, Gardony, Hungary

Artists of Life, Gardony

The artists of life Association est une jeune et dynamique association de jeunes. Nous prenons part à la vie locale, régionale et internationale. Nos principes sont de donner l’opportunité aux jeunes de toutes origines de réaliser leurs idées, développer leurs talents et ouvrir leurs perspectives. Pour se faire nous travaillons avec différents partenaires publiques et associatifs.

Nous organisons toutes sortes d’activités :
Journées de l’égalité garçon-filles par le sport ; Pratiques Artistiques, culinaires et culturelles de différentes cultures.
Nous travaillons les enjeux de la citoyenneté avec des jeunes de tous horizons.
Nous organisons des formations pour les animateurs de jeunesse.
Notre Conseil d’Administration et nos bénévoles sont des professeurs, des travailleurs de jeunesse et des travailleurs sociaux

The Artists of Life Association (Életművész Ifjúsági Egyesület) is a young and enthusiastic organisation actively taking part in local, regional (the region of Lake Velencei) and international youth work. Our basic principle is to give space, create opportunities and support young people with different social and cultural backgrounds in realizing their ideas, develop their talents in several fields and open their perspectives by realizing mentor and coach programs, building a supporting, inspiring community and discovering new local and international opportunities. Therefore we look for cooperation and work on building networks with different non-governmental and governmental, profit and non-profit organisations.

We organise different activities e.g. sport days, art workshops, events connected with the music, dances and gastronomy of different cultures, tea afternoons, festivals, trainings for youth workers, volunteers and professionals. An important part of our work is to support children and young people with less opportunities or living under state care, helping their integration into the local community. We would like to raise awareness for democracy, history, environmental issues and the importance of recycling – we would like to create and opened, eco-conscious and creative community with many personal connections, friendships.
The staff of the organisation is composed of many volunteers (teachers, youth workers, leaders, who work on different levels in the association.

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